Conditionally University Student Readiness of the Person to Self-Development by Means of Physical Education
The article discusses conditionality desire of students to self-development and the formation of competence readiness in this area of knowledge in classes of P.E. Designed levels determination of formation of readiness for self-development of students of the university.The system contributes to self-realization of the personality of students, formation of physical culture and sports competences and the competence of self-development. The fact is that the current situation in the development of the society and the analysis of the world's sociocultural and educational trends indicate that in recent years, various aspects of the individual's behavior towards his health have become the object of intense public attention and the subject of interdisciplinary research in many highly developed countries under the slogan: "Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing".Hence the tasks of the student's personality self-development during the intensive preparation for professional activity at the university are aimed at maintaining their own health and improving their physical fitness, considering formation of professional motor skills for effective mastering the future profession and career growth after graduation.