Developing the Reputation of Distribution Network to Increase the Buying Interest of Electronic Payment: An Empirical Study

Endi Isnarno, Harry Soesanto, Andriyansah
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XXI, Issue 1, 133-143, 2018
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/936


The purpose of this study is to analyse the user‘s perspective associated with the reputation, distribution networks, product image, perception of transaction convenience and trust on e-Toll card purchasing interest.The study population was the highway users in Indonesia. The sample size was 245 respondents. The results showed that purchasing interest on e-Toll card is mostly influenced by the reputation of the distributor network through perceptions of convenience and trust transactions.The study is recommended for operators to improve their services to e-Toll card users and the product image which ultimately can improve the purchasing interest on e-Toll cards.

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