Cluster Development of Innovational Entrepreneurship: New Possibilities and Priorities in the Conditions of the Innovational Economy Creation
The purpose of the work is to study the possibilities and priorities of cluster development of innovational entrepreneurship in the conditions of innovational economy development by the example of modern Russia. Information and analytical basis of the research include the materials of the INSEAD on the Global innovational index from 2011 to 2016. The authors also used the Global Competitiveness Report from 2008-2008 to 2016-2017, presented at the annual World Economic Forum, which contains information on the state of cluster development. To substantiate the offered scientific hypothesis, the authors determine the presence and level of dependence of cluster development of entrepreneurship on the level of Russia's economy innovativeness with the help of the method of regression and correlation analysis. Because of the research, the authors conclude that an important place among the market tools of stimulation of development of innovational entrepreneurship in Russia should belong to clustering, as it provides expansion of the resource base and quick diffusion of innovations, which is very important for development of innovational entrepreneurship. The authors offer the concept of cluster development of innovational entrepreneurship in the conditions of creation of innovational economy.