The Role and Place of the Crisis Traps in the Development of the Small Business of the Forest Sector in the Russian Economy

E.A. Panyavina, M.B. Chirkova, S.G. Cheglakova, V.V. Pankov
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XX, Issue 3B, 480-489, 2017
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/803


The article identifies the role and place of crisis traps in the development of the small business of the forest sector in the Russian Economy through the life cycle stages – origination stage (crisis innovative trap), formation stage (crisis organizing trap), growth stage (crisis financial trap), maturity stage (crisis marketing trap).The emergence of crisis traps is connected with specific features of small forestry business development and functioning. Sustainable small forest business development depends on management actions on minimization and overcoming crisis manifestations. It is proved that it is possible to avoid the threat of falling into crisis traps, the crisis symptoms emergence, situations and processes in the small forestry business development due to forming program of the management actions and organizational tools to perform it.

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