Problems and Mechanisms of Sustainable Development of Rural Areas (at the example of the Republic of Mordovia)

E.G. Kovalenko, O.Y. Yakimova, E.V. Avtaykina, O.O. Zaytseva
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XIX, Issue 3A, 110-122, 2016
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/552


Sustainable development of rural areas is a priority in today's Russia, as evidenced by the system of regulations adopted in 2010-2015. Measures of government regulation aimed at ensuring food security and improving the living standards of the rural population include activities for the growth and modernization of agricultural production, development of the market of agricultural raw materials and food, as well as expansion and strengthening of the network of rural social infrastructure. These measures which are actively used since 2006, have failed to overcome the crisis processes in most regions, which indicates the need for revision of rural development policy. In the article the need for differentiation of government support in accordance with the typology of rural areas, considering the potential and the level of social, economic and environmental development is argued. The system of indicators and an integrated approach to assessing the sustainability of rural areas are suggested. The proposals for additional measures to support the depressed rural areas are suggested.

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