Zoning of Territory on the Basis of Modeling of Efficiency of Forest Resources Use in Russian Regions’ Economy
The purpose of this work is development of the model of evaluation of efficiency of the use of resources in economy of regions of sparsely forested area, which allows offering a typology of zones in the region and performing zoning of territory depending on the efficiency of activities of structures which use forest resources. The offered model is peculiar for calculation of deviations of current income of state and entrepreneur from optimal income from the point of view of the most profitable use of lands. On the basis of the offered model, the typology for regions of sparsely forested area is developed, which includes four types of territories: high-profitable territories – characterized by minimal deviations of profitability of entrepreneur and state, due to which they are considered to be territories with well-balanced use of forest resources in economy; profitable territories with emphasis on state’s interest, where the deviation of profitability of entrepreneur is maximal, and profitability of state is minimal; profitable territories with emphasis on interest of entrepreneurs, where deviation of entrepreneur’s profitability is minimal, and of state’s profitability is maximal; low-income territories, unattractive for forest use, where deviation of profitability of entrepreneur and state is maximal. This typology conforms to the task of formation of differentiated instrumentarium of well-balanced use of forest resources in territories’ economy.