Niels Bohr’s Principle of Complementarities in Political Economy

Vladilen Sergeevich Afanasyev, Yulia Mihayilovna Medvedeva, Rafael Envarovich Abdulov
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XVIII, Issue 4, 275-292, 2015
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/499


The development of the principle of complementarity by a well-known Danish physical scientist N. Bohr was the outstanding achievement of philosophical idea, having prime value to explain quantum mechanics phenomena and biological and social (including economic) phenomena sufficiently differing from them. This principle focuses the attention of the researchers on revelation of dualistic, dialectically contradictory essence of the phenomenon studied. Such task cannot be solved using some single category whatever significant and universal it is. Three categories shall be used for this. One for designation of a basic phenomenon per se, two others to describe additional properties, revealing dualistic, dialectically contradictory essence of the phenomenon studied. Such approach allows developing the required theoretic and methodological tools to study dualistic, contradictory nature of economic phenomena and processes as a two-pole model of the economic phenomenon (ABC model), embodying the principle of complementarity in political economy. This model may be used as a tool for critical analysis of conceptual framework of economics and development of scientific novelty. The article shows that theoretic interpretation of many economic phenomena has stood the test from ABC model position, some of them could not overcome such a test. These are, for example: nominal salary, labour productivity, marketing and advertising. Analysis using ABC model revealed that their widespread theoretical interpretations ignore the essential characteristics of these phenomena. The principle of complementarity which fixed inherent dualistic dialectically contradictory structure as the required step of cognition of nature and society phenomena essence plays the most important methodological role in the analysis of economic phenomena.

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