Cluster Policy in Agrarian Sphere in Implementation of Concept of Economic Growth

Larisa Popova, Svetlana Popova, Tatiana Dugina, Dmitry Korobeynikov, Olga Korobeynikova
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XVIII, Issue 3, 31-40, 2015
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/452


The purpose of the article is to substantiate the necessity and compile recommendations for improvement of the process of development and conduct of cluster policy in agrarian sphere during realization of the concept of economic growth by the example of modern Russia. As methodological provision, the research uses the proprietary methodology of analysis of development of agrarian sphere of economy. As a result of the use of this methodology and analysis of development of agrarian sphere of modern Russian, the authors come to the conclusion that it has a lot of negative tendencies, which causes necessity for improvement of policy in this sphere. For this, the authors offer to use clustering. The authors develop the Pyramid of optimal economic growth and the Model of realization of the concept of economic growth on the basis of conduct of cluster policy in agrarian sphere.

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