Impact of European Integration Process in Spain

Almudena Martinez-Campillo, Mª del Pilar Sierra-Fernández
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XV, Issue 2, 57-80, 2012
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/354


This paper analyzes the effect of the European Economic and Monetary Union on export flows from a Spanish region (Castilla y León) to the EU-27 countries during the last years Applying static panel data estimation technique, this study finds that exporter and importer incomes, exporter population, distance, and a common land border are the main explanatory factors of exports from this Spanish region. Moreover, the EU membership of the importer country only caused positive and significant effects between 1994 and 1996, whereas the EMU membership reduced export flows from Castilla y León to the European countries during the whole period.

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