Sustainable Development Management and Strategic Awareness of the Metropolis GZM Inhabitants

Marcin Budzinski, Yurii Vitkovskyi, Dominika Ochnik, Bartlomiej Bulawa, Marek Gachowski, Paulina Nagel, Bozena Wroniszewska-Drabek
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XXVII, Special Issue B, 17-32, 2024
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/3474


Purpose: The main objective of the research was to diagnose and analyse the level of understanding sustainability and strategic awareness, as well as prioritization of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG) among the Metropolis GZM inhabitants. Design/Methodology/Approach: Taking into account managerial approach the main research methods which were used in the study were literature review, diagnostic survey research and basic statistical analysis. The study was conducted on the basis of a survey questionnaire, using the CAWI method with selected research sample of 3301 respondents - Metropolis GZM inhabitants. The research results were presented in a comparative approach, both for the entire representative population of the Metropolis GZM and in cross-sectional approaches, which include specifics by gender, age, place of residence or diagnosed level of life satisfaction. Findings: The concept of "sustainable local development" was practically understood by Metropolis GZM inhabitants, most important UN SDG were diagnosed. The level of knowledge of Metropolis GZM inhabitants about their municipal strategy was presented for the groups of cities (relatively big, medium and small) and for all the cities with country rights individually. To analyse strategic awareness in Metropolis GZM for cities with county rights or group of cities new strategic awareness indicator (SAI) was proposed both from methodological indicator construction and it interpretation. Practical Implications: The results of the research can be used, among others, by local authorities as a guide for shaping development policies in line with the expectations of the inhabitants of the Metropolis GZM, both in terms of content relating to the practical understanding of sustainable development and the UN SDG, as well as in organizational and promotional terms referring to the level of strategic awareness related to the development strategy and the process of its creation. The results are also the basis for further in-depth research, taking into account, among other, comparative possibilities with other domestic and foreign metropolitan areas and the evolution of the studied phenomena over time. Originality/Value: One of the first and biggest survey regarding all the Metropolis GZM related to strategic awareness, UN SDG prioritization and understanding sustainability; new authors’ Strategic Awareness Indicator (SAI) was proposed, used and interpreted.

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