Socio-Economic Challenges of Removing and Disposing of Illegal Hazardous Waste Dumps: Poland Case Study

Elzbieta Ociepa-Kicinska
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XXVI, Issue 3, 570-583, 2023
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/3261


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to organize the knowledge of illegal hazardous waste sites and the pathway to disposal. Design/Methodology/Approach: Key reports were analyzed and case studies reviewed that demonstrate the scale and challenges of removing and disposing of waste from illegal landfills. Findings: Lack of knowledge and good practices, existing regulations and available tools often prevent municipalities from effectively addressing hazardous waste that threatens human life and health. Practical Implications: The case study showed areas in need of change to address a problem whose scale is enormous. The introduction of good practices and effective tools is essential to carry out the task of removing and disposing of hazardous waste from illegal landfills in an effective manner (currently, it is most often not removed, or burned in fires). Originality/Value: The work covers timely and important issues for citizens, fills the research gap in this area by combining theoretical issues with practical insights.

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