Impact of Selected Regional Characteristics on Innovation Effectiveness of the SME Sector

Tomasz Norek
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XXVI, Issue 3, 873-884, 2023
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/3256


Purpose: The purpose of the study is to try to determine whether there is a relationship between the determinants of a region's innovativeness and the effectiveness of innovation activities carried out by small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) operating in the area. The author formulated the following research hypothesis: (H1) There is a positive correlation between the determinants of a region's innovativeness and the effectiveness of innovation activities carried out by SMEs in a given region. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study is based on the exploratory-descriptive method, which involves the statistical compilation of the collected results in selected analytical contexts. The survey was conducted between July 2023 and September 2023 and included 1,745 companies from all regions of Poland. The analysis uses basic descriptive statistics and measures of innovation effectiveness accepted in the literature. Data was collected through an online survey. Official data published by EUROSTAT and the Central Statistical Office (CSO) were used for comparative analysis of the level of innovation in different regions of Poland Findings: The article examines the relationship between the specific characteristics of the region (geographically and at the national administrative level) and the measurable effects of the innovative activities of SME companies that operate in the region. The author refers to his own previous research in the field of measuring the effects of innovation activities of SME companies. The article identifies key features of the region that significantly affect the innovative efficiency of the SME sector. Practical Implications: The research conducted can be used in two main areas/stakeholder groups: (1) regional authorities - shaping regional policies in support of innovation, (2) SME business owners - increasing the efficiency of innovation activities. Originality/Value: The article presents the results of the Author's own cyclical research. The presented results have not been published and discussed scientifically before.

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