The Ninth Wave of COVID-19

Ryszard Orlinski
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XXV, Special Issue 3, 21-30, 2022
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/3015


Purpose: The aim of this article is presenting the course of COVID-19 pandemics in Poland on the basis of statistical data showing infections rate and deaths in the population. Design/Methodology/Approach: The analysis of statistical data is the research method used in this article. Statistical analysis is a science which aim is collecting all detailed research of single data samples from a particular collection of elements, which enables the process of taking samples. Data concerning pandemics, presented on ministerial WebPages, depicts the scale of the problem. Statistical analysis can be of descriptive or conclusion character. Descriptive analysis will be used for the needs of this article. Findings: Due to editorial limitations, the article includes fragments of research results which present the scale of the problem. This is the basic criterion for the selection of materials used in the article. Some data presented in the table, concerning infections and deaths show that there is a kind of regular return of the virus called waves by the specialists. Subsequently occurring waves caused certain decisions related to protection and treatment of the population. However the beginning of pandemics in Poland had rather mild form, but next waves brought more tragic results despite of government efforts. Practical implications: Performed data analysis makes it possible to evaluate infections and deaths state in particular periods. Restrictions and lockdown implemented in Poland significantly impacted the course of pandemics. Analyzing the gathered data it is possible to consider the necessity of next limitations or restrictions. The Ministry of Health wonders what is the way of counteracting different kinds and modifications of the virus. Will the reminding vaccination dose limit infections? – the time will show. However, alleviating the course of the disease is clearly visible, which is positively assessed by scientists. Originality/value: The pandemics itself is untypical, even though the world struggles with various health threats throughout its history. The fight with mass diseases is of unique character from the viewpoint of medical knowledge and the possibility of saving human beings. Historical and scientific documents uncover different kinds of analyses and descriptions of various situations. Performed research is a part of general scientific accomplishments of different medical, social and economic environments. Presented examples constitute scientific value with the possibility of insight into complete data subjected to analysis and evaluation.

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