Electronic Communication in The Digitization of Logistics

Tadeusz Rudnicki
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XXV, Issue 2B, 160-172, 2022
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/2950


Purpose: The digitization of logistics processes depends on their integration meant as the connection of digitized business processes of the supply chain into a chain of electronically supported processes. A key aspect of integration is the automated transfer of data between integrated processes. The business processes of participants in supply chains vary in their degree of readiness for digitization. Design/Methodology/Approach: The author has carried out research of the features of three relatively new technologies used for exchange of electronic data. The reference for the analysis of these possibilities was the list of problems in digitization of business processes defined by the author. Based on his professional experience and on the basis of updated knowledge published by research centers, the author identified eleven main problems that hinder logistics processes digitization. The problems were of a structural nature, related to the components of the digital environment surrounding the enterprise. The study of the properties of these technologies for digital data exchange was performed as a comparative, theoretical test of their ability to support digitization. The author in search of a remedy for the identified problems of digitization, assumed as his goal the search for support tools in the elimination of structural digitization obstacles within the enterprise. Findings: As a result of study, description of specific features of each technology analyzed was presented in the form of explanation, how specific technical features fit to solve technical limitations of the company in the logistics digitization process. Practical implications: The efficiency of information flow in supply chains follows the traditional chain principle, i.e. it is determined by the effectiveness of their weakest link. Therefore, the author in this article made an attempt to assess the suitability of some currently available techniques and communication technologies to the diverse needs of enterprises. Originality value: In the author's opinion, the weakest link in the supply chain can be helped by giving it a choice of how to receive and process business data in electronic form. The study resulted in recommendations on the use of the technologies presented in the logistics processes digitization.

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