Ancillary Revenues in Air Transport in the Conditions of Globalization

Joanna Hawlena, Michal Dudek, Grazyna Kowalska
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XXV, Special Issue A, 35-44, 2022
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/2934


Purpose: Presentation of the methodology of shaping the mechanism and assessment of the effectiveness of the application of off-ticket income system in air transport. Methodology: In the study of the issues raised, the method of analyzing the available literature, statistical data, modern instruments of competition, rules of the aviation market and the results of empirical research, verified by the conducted audit, interviews with passengers and staff at airports, representatives of airlines, scientists and local administration was used. Findings: In a situation of exhaustion of reserves related to both cost reduction and price increase, the importance of expanding the volume of off-ticket services as an effective instrument for improving the efficiency of air transport is growing. This is due to the constantly improving new consumer needs, the satisfaction of which enables them to gain an advantage in the conditions of increasing internal and intersectoral competition. Practical implications: The wider range of offering new, sought after by customers of off-ticket services becomes a key determinant of the improvement of passenger service comfort, enabling more favorable demand management and an increase in profit. This range of initiatives brings about beneficial changes in the entire passenger handling chain, ie in the design phase of the aircraft and air service, transport to the port, handling in port, in transit, handling in the port of destination and the environment of stay. Originality / Value: The originality of the study of the effectiveness of the application of off-ticket sheet service implementation system lies in its universality. It can be used in any mode of transport, in any geographical space, for most entities and transport systems of multimodal services, it is a simplified method of identifying the expected results.

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