Internet Prosumer Activity Levels

Maria Kocot, Damian Kocot
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XXV, Issue 2, 104-117, 2022
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/2909


Purpose: The aim of the article is to show the relationship between the activity of users on the Internet and the establishment of a pro-consumer system. Design/Methodology/Approach: The article presents the essence, forms and scope of Internet prosumption. The role of the Internet in intensifying these processes was emphasized. The article uses the survey method. A statistical relationship was demonstrated between the activity of users on the Internet and the establishment of a pro-consumer system. The degree of activity in the Internet enhances prosumption processes. The respondents who displayed pro-consumer behavior in contacts with other users were active on the Internet. This knowledge helps bidders take effective measures to inspire pro-consumer behavior by buyers. Findings: The article showed that the respondents who displayed pro-consumer behavior in contacts with other users were also active on the Internet. This knowledge helps bidders to take effective action to inspire pro-consumer behavior by buyers. Practical Implications: This is very important information for bidders who, as research has shown, do not show high activity aimed at involving buyers in the marketing creation process. Sanitation of this area would allow modern enterprises to take advantage of the potential of online prosumers. Originality/Value: The originality of the conducted research lies in the presentation of the relationship between the two parameters using the independence test χ2. An independence test χ2 was used to verify hypotheses about the relationship between the two parameters describing the functions. They tried to show that prosumers with Internet activity (a sample of 100 people who declared daily activity on the Internet) establish a relationship with other users, i.e. the intensity of establishing contacts with other users depends on the degree of activity of the prosumer on the Internet.

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