Financial Crisis and Accounting Information: The Need for Corporate Social Responsibility in Accounting Profession

Monica Violeta Achim, Nicolae Sorin Borlea, Ludovica Breban
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XIII, Issue 3, 39-62, 2010
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/286


This paper wants to draw attention on several aspects regarding the causes that led to the emergence of 21st century economic crisis, pointing their implications in the balance of economic-financial mechanisms. In history, on the occasion of economic and/or financial crisis, among their causes there are mentioned causes related to managers’ irresponsible actions, managers who, together with accounting professionals, chose to alter accounting data in order to create a more appealing image on the market of the company’s financial status. We will underline the role of accounting in system of a more efficient, socially responsible corporatist governing, capable of recreating economic-financial balances and of regaining the confidence of the population in economic values, as well as the role of accounting in “faithfully” reflecting these values.

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