Selected Mesoeconomic Indicators of Regional Development in Poland Based on Intermunicipal Cooperation

Sylwia Klus, Leszek Wanat, Tomasz Potkanski, Rafal Czarnecki, Vladislav Kaputa, Władyslaw Kusiak, Jan Sikora, Karolina Smetkiewicz
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XXIV, Special Issue 2 - Part 2, 704-715, 2021
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/2800


Purpose: The aim of the study was to identify the mesoeconomic determinants of regional development in Poland based on intermunicipal cooperation. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research used analytical methods, including the local development index, determined for Polish local government units (municipalities) in 2008-2014, subsequently evaluated in 2015-2019. Moreover, in programming the inter-municipal cooperation model, the method of diagnostic survey, comparative and descriptive analysis was applied. Findings: There is need for a way of regional development modeling based not only on competitiveness indicators (such as the aggregate Local Development Index), but also on a paradigm of partnership and differentiated cooperation conditions in functional areas. Practical Implications: The Local Development Index can provide a starting point for programming alternative developments in the functional areas. At least two local development roadmaps can be used in practice. First, the idea of homogeneous areas development, programming the growth of socio-economic cohesion at territorial meso-level. Second, the idea for areas with natural spatial and settlement diversity, conscious maintenance of diversity. Originality/Value: In this study, on the case of Polish municipalities, selected quantitative and qualitative factors of local development were assessed. It was confirmed that the influence of "traditional" competitiveness factors is decreasing. However, the development potential of municipalities and functional areas increases when the important role of intermunicipal cooperation factors and the partnership paradigm is recognized. The partnership model has a specific format, unique for each functional area or municipality, therefore it needs to be programmed, applied and evaluated.

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