A New Strategy for Europe and New Economic Opportunities for Greece and the East European Countries

Amalia Venera Todorut, Liliana Constantinescu
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XIII, Issue 2, 15-22, 2010
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/270


In this work I propose myself to analyse the implications of the new EU 2020 strategy considering Greece and the East European countries, in a globalized and interdependent world which is being emphasized a lot more by the crisis.I present the main motive factors of the EU 2020 strategy, enabling the development based on knowledge as a value generating factor, the development of competences within a society favourable for inclusion and the creation of a competitive economy, a connected and more ecological one. I emphasize the approach of changing the objectives into reality and the use of instruments within a new approach, thus to outrun the economic and financial crisis. I identify, at the level of Greece and East European countries, the instruments of economic politics. Also, the necessity of putting a good use, at maximum, on the unique market, the integration in the EU in a global context, the rumination of political priorities in public budgets and the setting-up of a clear rule to make the new strategy more effective, is distinguished.

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