Health System Responsiveness in the Light of the Euro Health Consumer Index

Katarzyna Hampel, Paulina Ucieklak-Jez, Agnieszka Bem
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XXIV, Issue 4 - Part 2, 659-667, 2021
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/2696


Purpose: The paper aims to assign the characteristics of the systems' responsiveness due to patient satisfaction. We base our analysis on the Euro Health Consumer Index (EHCI), including indicators from six categories, i.e. patient rights and information, access to medical services, treatment results, scope and range of medical services offered, prevention of vaccination patients, access to medicines. Design/Methodology/Approach: We investigate data from 2014 to 2018 for thirty-five countries. The studied group of countries is divided into two subgroups - the group of countries with the Bismarck model (group A) and those with Beveridge's model (group B). Ward's method was used as a method of cluster analysis. Findings: (1) The number of clusters is stable over time – both in 2014 and 2018, five clusters are identified; (2) The number of clusters within subgroups A and B is similar and stable over time; (3) The number of clusters created suggests that the responsiveness of health systems is a complex concept perceived by patients in different ways; (4) There are no essential differences between countries with the system of public health and countries where health financing bases on insurance schemes. Originality/value: The results suggest that the system's responsiveness cannot be perceived as one-dimensional. While assessing the system's responsiveness, patients take into consideration different factors.

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