The Dodecagon of Internationalisation: A Theoretical Integration Model

Oskar Villarreal Larrinaga
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XIII, Issue 1, 3-24, 2010
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/254


Literature has been produced in this area as a result of the different approaches taken in research, and this has unquestionably enriched scientific debate. Nevertheless, the theoretical review we carried out shows us that the different focuses that exist have imposed a degree of divergence and counter position when determining the key factors that explain the internationalisation of companies. The main objective of this study, therefore, is to make a representative proposal for an eclectic exposition, so as to establish a solid, synthetic, complementary base. To this end, we present the dodecagon of internationalisation as a tool and, at the same time, demonstrable proof of the feasibility of theoretical integration within this subject field.

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