Airport Business Ecosystem

Niemczyk Jerzy, Walkow Marcin, Trzaska Mateusz, Trzaska Rafal
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XXIV, Issue 3, 55-72, 2021
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/2340


Purpose: The aim of the research, the results of which are presented in this article, is to demonstrate the usefulness of the ecosystem theory for the description and analysis of airports. Methodology: The study used a critical literature review, desk research analysis, and the deduction method. Findings: The result of the research is a model of an airport as an ecosystem. Practical implications: Contribution to the development of management sciences is expanding knowledge on the use of the ecosystem theory to describe, research, and learn about airport organizations. Originality: In the article it was formulated model of sources of the effectiveness of organization’s ecosystem and model of sources of the effectiveness airport Business ecosystem

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