The Criterion of Human Resources in the Assessment of the Degree of the Engagement of Knowledge in the Activities of Enterprises

Magdalena C. Mojsiewicz
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XXIV, Issue 2B, 1104-1116, 2021
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/2330


Purpose: The objective of this paper was to develop a new classification of the types of activity of enterprises, taking into account the degree of involvement of research and development in production and service activity. Design/Methodology/Approach: After analyzing the subject scope of the statistical surveys that are the source of data on which the calculation of the two proposed indicators (degree of R&D intensity, R&D personnel involvement ) was based, a classification of R&D intensity sectors was developed. The experimental classification was prepared for Polish enterprises, for which statistical material was collected for the years 2014-2016. Findings: Among classifications created due to the experimental work, one of the most reliable classifications was selected. In the classification framework, the R&D intensity is divided into three sectors: intensified R&D intensity, moderate R&D intensity, low R&D intensity. The compatibility of this classification based on R&D expenditures with the classification taking into account R&D personnel makes it possible to work out a unified classification for leaders and non-leaders innovators Practical Implications: After analyzing the magnitude of the R&D personnel involvement rate (measured in %) across all business groupings, a classification was created distinguishing three sectors: intensive R&D personnel involvement (R&D personnel involvement rate value above 2%), moderate R&D personnel involvement (0.25% to 2%), and low R&D personnel involvement (less than 0.25%). This delimitation can be considered a proposal for a universal method. Originality/Value: The developed and estimated indicator of R&D personnel involvement is a new approach not used before in sectoral comparisons.

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