Managing the Process of Evaluation of the Academic Teachers with the Use of Data Mart and Business Intelligence

Piotr Muryjas, Monika Wawer, Magdalena Rzemieniak
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XXIV, Special Issue 1 - Part 2, 127-140, 2021
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/2196


Purpose: The purpose of this research is to present the original model of management of academic teachers' remote work evaluation that implements an analytical approach. Design/Methodology/Approach: Desk research and interview method have been applied in this paper. The literature review concerned two areas, i.e., the analytical approach to management and the management of university educational processes. Unstructured interviews conducted with university authorities located in Poland were the second research method applied. Findings: Based on literature studies, conducted interviews and authors' personal experience, the original model of academic teachers' remote work evaluation that implements an analytical approach and utilises data mart concept and business intelligence tools has been created. This model contains the following elements, the conceptual model of data mart allowing the evaluation of courses realisation and teachers job, KPIs utilised in this evaluation, and the dashboard presenting KPI's values. Two main areas representing courses evaluation and teachers’ evaluation have been considered. Practical Implications: The authors propose the solution that utilises an analytical approach to improve the management of the evaluation process of educational processes at the university. Created model may be a valuable source of inspiration for university authorities responsible for ensuring the high efficiency of these processes, and for people responsible for developing teachers’ competencies. According to the authors, the implementation of this model can contribute to the improvement of the academic education. Originality/Value: An analytical approach in evaluation of educational processes proposed by authors is innovative in nature and is particularly important in the context of increasingly widespread remote education. Its adoption to management states a big challenge for university authorities.

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