Conditions of Marketing and Organizational Innovation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Purpose: The research objective of the article is to propose a model that indicates external factors affecting the introduction of marketing and organizational innovations by Polish small and medium-sized enterprises. Design/methodology/approach: Empirical research was conducted in 2015 using the CAPI method on a representative sample of 250 small and medium-sized enterprises. We determined the external environment based on seven potential factors. We also included contextual factors. We based the analysis and the assessment on the results of the ordered logit regression model estimation. We prepared our interpretation based on the odds ratios. Findings: The results obtained indicate the significance of four variables, two from the external environment, namely support for small and medium-sized enterprises and the amount of tax reliefs and two contextual factors - the size of employment and conducting export activity. Their impact turned out to be only positive. Practical Implications: The results obtained in the scope of the identified external factors affecting the marketing and organizational innovativeness of small and medium-sized enterprises may be a recommendation for entities providing support to subjects operating in this sector. Originality/value: Determination of external environment factors and contextual factors influencing organizational and marketing innovation of Polish small and medium-sized enterprises. The results can be compared with those obtained for other countries.