The Economic Dimension of Space

Agnieszka Komor
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XXIII, Issue 1, 429-452, 2020
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/1561


Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the impact of economic space diversity on economic development processes. Design/Methodology/Approach: The paper uses the method of literature studies. The data underwent quantitative analysis with the use of descriptive and parametric (r-Pearson correlation index) statistics. The study analysed the structure, dynamics and intensity indices, as well as the r-Pearson correlation index. Findings: The paper identifies the features of space (i.e. limitation, resistance and diversification). Space can influence development processes by influencing sales revenues and production costs of enterprises. Space is created by places of varied value for people, therefore the economy develops unevenly in space. Practical Implications: The results of the research can be used by decision-makers to shape public aid instruments. The results of the conducted research indicate that in the next programming period there will be a further reduction in the maximum intensity of regional investment aid for Polish regions, which creates the need to seek new development impulses. Originality/Value: The paper shows the simultaneous existence of two processes, i.e. narrowing of the development gap between Polish and EU regions and deepening of regional development disparities in Poland. There is no consensus in the literature on the existence and nature of a link between public aid and economic development processes. This study shows that other factors had a stronger impact on the pace of regional development in Poland than the maximum regional aid intensity.

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