The Influence of Price Perception, Service Quality and Variation Behavior on Electronic Banking

Zulfitri, Surachman, Fatchur Rohman
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XXI, Special Issue 3, 470-487, 2018
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/1396


This study aims to determine the Influence of Price Perception, Service Quality, Variation Seeking Behavior and Electronic Banking against Customer Switching Behavior with Relationship Duration as Moderation Variable. The data is processed by Structural Equation Modeling. The researchers found that the perception of price, service quality, variation seeking behavior and electronic banking significantly influence the switching behavior of bank customers/customers. The duration of relationship as a moderating variable strengthens the influence of price perception, service quality, variation seeking behavior and electronic banking on the switching behavior of banking customers in DKI Jakarta Province. The findings from this research can be used as a strategy for designing products and services, marketing strategies and customer service practices by banks in Jakarta to reduce customers' switch. It can also help improve operational services and customer satisfaction and loyalty by understanding the banking behavior of each customer. Originality can be seen from the fact that this research is one of several studies focusing on the intention variables to switching interest by Jakarta banking customers such as variables variation seeking behavior, relationship duration that are used as a moderation variable. For further research, it is advisable to researchers: to focus on switching behavior from a wide range of consumers (companies or SMES) and investigate the difference between switching intentions or switching behavior. This study also provides a further way to analyze the effects of moderate variables such as convenience in the relationship between variables and switching intentions.

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