Prospects for the Implementation of the "Digital Government" Project of the Russian Federation
The theoretical foundations for the development of the digital economy and e-government are considered in this article. The main objectives of Russia's transition to the digital economy are listed. The relevance of the development of the digital government concept is considered. The indicators of the current level of state development in the framework of digitalization and the formation of e-government are analyzed. The main problems, the solution of which makes the implementation of the digital government project of the Russian Federation possible, are singled out. Digital economy development is associated not only with the progress of the information technology and innovation industry, but also with the improvement of the labor market, where new jobs, professions and personnel are created. In this regard, there is a rapid process of the foundation of society, where one job becomes low-paid, and new professions allow one to receive a personal income at the level of top managers of small and medium-sized enterprises.