Quantitative and Qualitative Indicators of the Criminological Characteristic of Hindrance to Electoral Rights

Ulezko S.I. , Lesnikov G.Y., Korunenko E.Y., Spiridonov A.I.
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XXI, Special Issue 2, 994-1000, 2018
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/1351


In this article quantitative and qualitative characteristics of hindrance to implementation of electoral rights or work of election commissions are allocated and analyzed. The statistical data concerning the number of the committed crimes are provided in Article 141 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Estimating the enormous difference between the statistical volume of administrative and criminal cases, the authors with full confidence claim that the vast majority of the crimes under Article 141 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation remain latent. The conclusion drawn is that indicators of the crime fixed by statistics do not reflect a real picture of infringement of electoral rights. Such type of latent crime over exceeds official data and thorough preparation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to elections is a proof. The high latency leads to the fact that criminals remain unpunished. Authors point signs mutual for all electoral crimes and notes their coincidence with signs of the organized crime of vested and nonviolent character.

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