Development of National Innovation Systems in Developed Countries

O. Karasev , A. Beloshitsky , S. Trostyansky , A. Krivtsova , V.N. Valerievna
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XXI, Special Issue 2, 701-712, 2018
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/1296


The article presents the results of the analysis of existing models of innovative development, features of the scientific, technological and innovation policies of the leading countries in the formation and development of their own national innovation systems. The leading countries are Great Britain, Germany, USA, Canada, Japan, France and Italy. The study shows that the innovation systems of each of these states have common features that reflect the main directions of development of science and technology, as well as certain specific features. Such features depend on what models of innovation policy the countries belong to - the "Euro-Atlantic policy", "East Asian policy" and "triple helix policy". The article presents the innovations that are offered to be included in the innovation system of Russia with regards to the development of the new State Program, and suggests recommendations for further development of the Russian national innovation system.

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