Dialogue of Cultures in the Context of Globalization: An Ethnic Aspect

Lipets E.Y. , Serdyukova E.V. , Agapova E.A.
European Research Studies Journal, Volume XXI, Special Issue 2, 369-376, 2018
DOI: 10.35808/ersj/1263


The article touches upon the range of problems concerning globalization of culture and the way globalization influences the process of the world development in its sociocultural and ethnic aspects. Much attention is paid to the necessity of the interaction of cultures, their dialogue which may serve as basis for the development of interethnic relations. The fact that a distinctive feature of the modern world is the transition to a new qualitative state of society, which is characterized by a sharp increase in information processes is underlined too. The process of creating a new information culture is not easy at all because it is based on the confrontation of national interests but it is very important for assistance in the issue of dialogue of cultures.

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